§ 95.035. DEFINITIONS.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
    JUNK. Any articles in any form composed of or consisting of any of the following: secondhand, discarded, abandoned or cast-off metals or materials, namely, iron, brass, bronze, copper, tin, zinc, lead or any other metals or compounds thereof, broken glass, rags, clothing, rubber, plastics, and synthetic substances and fabrics, bottles, papers, feathers or any other waste material or any compound or by-product of the foregoing enumerated materials; JUNK shall also include and mean wrecked, abandoned or dismantled automobiles or parts thereof.
    JUNK VEHICLE. Any vehicle which does not bear a currently valid license plate and is not kept in a garage or building.
    (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a device in, upon, or by which a person or property is, or may be, transported or drawn upon a highway.
    (2) Boat or other watercraft located on the ground or any extension of the ground (e.g.., on blocks) or on an unlicensed trailer or other hauling device or vehicle.
    (3) An automobile, a motorcycle, a truck, a trailer, a semitrailer, a tractor, a bus, a school bus, a recreational vehicle, a trailer or semitrailer used in the transportation of watercraft, or a motorized bicycle.
    (Ord. 2014-26, passed 12-9-2014; Am. Ord. 2016-19, passed 11-22-2016)